Once a real estate professional passes their state exam, they are licensed. However, they cannot call themselves a REALTOR® until they have joined a local association that will give them membership locally, statewide and nationally. Membership in any of the listed local organization will enable a licensee to become members of Florida Association of REALTOR® (FAR) and the National Association of REALTOR® (NAR).
New association members will find that membership fees fluctuate throughout the year as the first year's membership is prorated. Licensees should ask their broker which association they are members of so that they join the same local organization as their broker.
There are numerous benefits to membership in the local, state and national REALTOR® organizations. They assist licensees with their membership to the multiple listing service, provide resources for agents and encourage professional and ethical behavior for all licensees. Excellence and professionalism are primary focuses for our REALTOR® associations.
Local associations in Florida include: